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1. 卷积原理

① Conv1d代表一维卷积,Conv2d代表二维卷积,Conv3d代表三维卷积。

② kernel_size在训练过程中不断调整,定义为3就是3 * 3的卷积核,实际我们在训练神经网络过程中其实就是对kernel_size不断调整。

③ 可以根据输入的参数获得输出的情况,如下图所示。


2. 搭建卷积层

import torch
from torch import nn
import torchvision
from torch.nn import Conv2d
from import DataLoader

dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10("./dataset",train=False,transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(),download=True)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64)
class Tudui(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Tudui, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = Conv2d(in_channels=3,out_channels=6,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=0) # 彩色图像输入为3层,我们想让它的输出为6层,选3 * 3 的卷积

def forward(self,x):
x = self.conv1(x)
return x

tudui = Tudui()
Files already downloaded and verified
(conv1): Conv2d(3, 6, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1))

3. 卷积层处理图片

dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root="./dataset", train=False, transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), download=True)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=64)

class Mymodule(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Mymodule, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=6, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=0)

def forward(self, input):
x = self.conv1(input)
return x

model = Mymodule()

for data in dataloader:
imgs, targets = data
output = model(imgs)
print("input shape {}".format(imgs.shape))
print("output shape {}".format(output.shape))

Files already downloaded and verified
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
input shape torch.Size([16, 3, 32, 32])
output shape torch.Size([16, 6, 30, 30])
import torch
import torchvision
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import Conv2d
from import DataLoader

dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10("./dataset",train=False,transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(),download=True)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64)
class Tudui(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Tudui, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = Conv2d(in_channels=3,out_channels=6,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=0) # 彩色图像输入为3层,我们想让它的输出为6层,选3 * 3 的卷积

def forward(self,x):
x = self.conv1(x)
return x

tudui = Tudui()
for data in dataloader:
imgs, targets = data
output = tudui(imgs)
print(imgs.shape) # 输入为3通道32×32的64张图片
print(output.shape) # 输出为6通道30×30的64张图片
Files already downloaded and verified
torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
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torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
torch.Size([16, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([16, 6, 30, 30])

3. Tensorboard显示

import torch
import torchvision
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import Conv2d
from import DataLoader
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10("./dataset",train=False,transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(),download=True)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64)
class Tudui(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Tudui, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = Conv2d(in_channels=3,out_channels=6,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=0) # 彩色图像输入为3层,我们想让它的输出为6层,选3 * 3 的卷积

def forward(self,x):
x = self.conv1(x)
return x

tudui = Tudui()
writer = SummaryWriter("logs")
step = 0
for data in dataloader:
imgs, targets = data
output = tudui(imgs)
writer.add_images("input", imgs, step)
output = torch.reshape(output,(-1,3,30,30)) # 把原来6个通道拉为3个通道,为了保证所有维度总数不变,其余的分量分到第一个维度中
writer.add_images("output", output, step)
step = step + 1
Files already downloaded and verified
torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
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torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
torch.Size([16, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([16, 6, 30, 30])


from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root="./dataset", train=False, transform=torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), download=True)
dataloader =, shuffle=True, batch_size=64)

class Mymodule(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Mymodule, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=6, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=0)

def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
return x

## 使用tensorboard
model = Tudui()
writer = SummaryWriter("./logs/conv2")
step = 0

for data in dataloader:
imgs, targets = data
output = model(imgs)
print("Input shape {}".format(imgs.shape))
print("Output shape {}".format(output.shape))
writer.add_images("input", imgs, step)
output = torch.reshape(output, (-1, 3, 30, 30))
writer.add_images("output", output, step)
step = step + 1

Files already downloaded and verified
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([64, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([64, 6, 30, 30])
Input shape torch.Size([16, 3, 32, 32])
Output shape torch.Size([16, 6, 30, 30])

① 在 Anaconda 终端里面,激活py3.6.3环境,再输入 tensorboard --logdir=C:\Users\wangy\Desktop\03CV\logs 命令,将网址赋值浏览器的网址栏,回车,即可查看tensorboard显示日志情况。

